بحشاشي رابح2024-05-082024-05-082023-05-08بحشاشي، رابح. أهمية إدراج معرف الكائن الرقمي DOI على المقالات وأصالة مجلات المنصة الجزائرية للمجلات العلمية. الملتقى العلمي التكويني الوطني حول: أساليب الوقاية من السرقة العلمية ومكافحتها في الجزائر مع الإشارة إلى تجارب دولية مماثلة. 8-9 ماي 2023. كلية العلوم الإقتصادية والتجارية وعلوم التسيير. جامعة الوادي. [أكتب هنا تاريخ الإطلاع]. متاح على الرابط [انسخ هنا رابط التحميل]https://dspace.univ-eloued.dz/handle/123456789/32501مداخلةThe study aimed to identify the importance of including the DOI DIGITAL OBJECT IDENTIFIER on the articles and studies that are published on the scientific journals of the Algerian platform and its impact on the originality and credibility of these journals among the rest of the scientific journals at the global level, and the extent of its importance for the researcher and the scientific journal, especially the Algerian platform for journals Scientifically, as it is known that a digital object is a unique digital identifier applied to a specific part of intellectual property. It is an electronic reference technology that has been applied since the year 2000, and it is always in contact with documents or articles as long as they remain on the Internet. The study concluded that the adoption of the digital DOI is urgent and very necessary in order to protect studies from scientific theft, which has spread widely, especially after the opening of the Algerian platform for scientific journals on the Internet without providing the slightest protection for what is published on this platform. The study recommends the importance of speeding up the application This digital identifier as soon as possible due to its importance on the authenticity and credibility of the shops and the Algerian platform for refereed scientific journals.arDOIمعرف الكائن الرقميمنصة المجلاتالسرقة العلميةالأنترنتDigital Object IdentifierJournal PlatformOriginalityPlagiarismInternetأهمية إدراج معرف الكائن الرقمي DOI على المقالات وأصالة مجلات المنصة الجزائرية للمجلات العلميةThe importance of including the DOI on articles and the originality of the journals and the Algerian platform for scientific journalsIntervention