Laouini, S. E.Ladjel, S.Ouahrani, M ed. R.2020-09-272020-09-272009-07-01Articale in Journal of fundamental and Applied Sciences Vol. 01 N. 021112-9867 in Journal of fundamental and Applied Sciences Vol. 01 N. 02In these days, of numerous country through worlds are confronted to an excess of fluor and arsenic in the wake of drink and preoccupy by in to minimize consequences on the consumers health. The arsenic and the fluor are to scale planetary polluted them of geological origin more frequently met in underground waters. In of numerous countries in expansion, waters so contaminated are often consummated without any previous treatment. Effects inorganic reserved salts in the wake of drink, benefic or luckless acting of their concentration, are known since of numerous years today already more 1,5 billion of persons have not attack to a healthy drinking-water. According to the OMS, these are 15 million to be human who die each year after to drink of the water no potable, or for want of not to have not attack to the drinking-water . Of numerous countries being in possession regions where some waters present amounts in fluor and arsenic superior to recommendations of the OMS (0,7-1,5 mg/L for fluor and 10 L/g for the arsenic). The fluor behoves against blights and hardens the teeth enamel ;to better concentration it fragilise the bone or induces points of crystallization favoring the appearance of articular distorting arthrosis : this is her fluorose. Effects ought to the arsenic are numerous: lésions of the peel, canker, illnesses cardiovasculair or pulmonarias, hypertension and cancers. This work has been realized on the water of five boreholes of the town of El-Oued in collaboration with the laboratory of the waters Algerian (ADE). The experimentation was aiming to define them plenty of fluor and arsenic exists in five boreholes to study and in fine to estimate the quality consumptive watersenanalysis, water qualities, consummation water, fluor, arsenic, Oued SoufPHYSICO-CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND QUALITY OF FEED WATERS OF THE EL-OUED CITY STUDY OF CASE (FLUORINE AND ARSENIC)Article