Tria, FBen Attous, D2023-05-212023-05-212012Tria, F. Ben Attous, D. SIMULATION FOR STRATEGY OF MAXIMAL WIND ENERGY CAPTURE OF DOUBLY FED INDUCTION GENERATORS. Journal of Chemical and Petroleum Sciences. Vo1. No 01.12/12/2012.faculty of technology. university of el oued. [visited in ../../….]. available from [copy the link here]2253-0932 the control of the wind generation, the maximal power point tracking (MPPT) control plays important role in the efficiency. This paper presents the simulation results of the MPPT control based DFIG model. At first, it analyzes the vector-control scheme for the MTTP, which results in independent control of active and reactive power of the generator. And then, it develops the MPPT controller implemented on the rectifier and inverter based on PI controlenWind energy, DFIG (doubly-fed induction generator), Stator flux-oriented, Maximal power point trackingSIMULATION FOR STRATEGY OF MAXIMAL WIND ENERGY CAPTURE OF DOUBLY FED INDUCTION GENERATORSArticle