Aouimeur, M.Goudjil, T.Rouabhia, A.Hamiri, M.2020-09-272020-09-272009-07-01Articale in Journal of fundamental and Applied Sciences Vol. 01 N. 021112-9867 in Journal of fundamental and Applied Sciences Vol. 01 N. 02In Algeria, the industrial development engenders the appearance of the sanitary and environmental problems resulting from the pollution due to these certain industries such as the industry cimentière. With the aim of estimating the sanitary state of the workers of the cement works; a study was made for 30 workers of the cement works. This study is based on the determination of the values of 07 parameters hématologiques (red blood cells, haemoglobin, hématocrite, average spherical volume, The corpuscular concentration averages in haemoglobin, The corpuscular content averages in haemoglobin and the number of white blood cells) and two parameters considered as markers premature of the inflammation (sedimentation speed and protein-C-reactive). These results are compared with two other populations, one of the inhabitants of the region and other one of the inhabitants far from the cement works avec 60 km. The statistical analyses are based on the comparison of the variances and the analysis in main constituent (ACP). The comparison of the variance of the various variable of the individuals show a resemblance between the workers and the inhabitants close to the cement works but significant differences appeared between both populations and those of the cement works for some parameters. The global analysis of these results with the ACP showed a general coherence. The observation of the groups allowed removing some peculiarities. This distribution shows the relation between the functional state and the variation of the parameters.enindustry cimentière, workers, signs of inflammation, comparison of the variance, analyzes in main constituentSTUDIES OF CHANGES OF SOME BLOOD PARAMETERS AMONG WORKERS OF CEMENT OF EL MA EL ABIOD TEBESSA ALGERIAArticle