Mehellou, AhmedDelimi, RachidBenredjem, Zahia2023-05-212023-05-212015Mehellou, Ahmed. Delimi ,Rachid . Benredjem ,Zahia. ELECTROEXTRACTION OF Cd(II) IONS FROM DILUTED SOLUTIONS BY A HYBRID PROCESS COMBINING ELECTRODIALYSIS AND ION-EXCHANGE. International Journal of Chemical and Petroleum Sciences. Vol 04. No 01.00/00/2015.faculty of technology. university of el oued. [visited in ../../….]. available from [copy the link here]2253-0932 aim of this work is to highlight the coupling efficiency of electrodialysis and ion-exchange processes for treating water containing heavy metal ions at low concentrations. This hybrid technique called electropermutation (EP) or also continuous electroregeneration. The effects of various physico-chemical parameters on the efficiency of the coupled process such as pH, flow rate of feed solution circulation, density of the applied current and initial concentration of Cd(II) in the solution have been studied. The results obtained show that the removal and transfer of Cd(II) ions decreases with the increase of the flow rate of feed solution and with pH increasing. Furthermore, the increase of the current density enhances the elimination and therefore the transfer of this ion until a density value of 10−2. The EP on resin remains effective until a 224.8 mg.L−1 of Cd(II) ions in the feed solution. Overall, under the optimal operating conditions determined, the hybrid technique of EP removes about 98% of Cd(II) from a dilute solutionenEnvironment, Pollution, Toxicity, Cadmium, ElectropermutationELECTROEXTRACTION OF Cd(II) IONS FROM DILUTED SOLUTIONS BY A HYBRID PROCESS COMBINING ELECTRODIALYSIS AND ION-EXCHANGEArticle