Askari, M.2021-12-192021-12-192018-01-01M. Askari. GLOBALIZATION, SOCIAL CHANGE AND NATIONAL SECURITY OF THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN . Journal of Fundamental and sciences. vol.10, no 1. January 2018. university of el oued. [visited in ../../….]. available from [copy the link here]1112-9867 in Journal of Fundamental and sciences. university of el ouedThe scholars consider globalization or globalization an obscure, complex, and diverse dimension, as some have considered it process and others have considered it as a project. The nature of globalization in a pessimistic attitude is equivalent to globalization that seeks to homogenize and harmonize the world with the domination of the "hegemon" culture over other cultures. But in an optimistic approach to globalization, there is an overwhelming process that is taking place, due to the expansion of social ties and the promotion of the level of global co-operation. The effects of globalization in Iranian society are also significant as a potential challenge to the social elements and subcultures of the country. These works can lead to challenges that, as a result, affect vital and acquired values and undermine the capacity to legitimize the system. In this article, we are trying to find out how and at what level globalization causes social change and how these changes affect the national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The purpose of this research is applied research and is descriptive in terms of research method. Also, the required information is collected using the documentary method. The conclusion of the research is that globalization is a two-way phenomenon, both a threat and an opportunity. In addition to taking advantage of the opportunity and planning for it, one should not ignore the threats of globalization and globalization, and in order to overcome the threats and neutralize the effects and effects of these programs, it is necessary to design coping programs and to stage ExecutesenGlobalization, Social Change, National Security, Identity.GLOBALIZATION, SOCIAL CHANGE AND NATIONAL SECURITY OF THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRANArticle