M., . Ouldjaoui1,*,S, . Hassad1,D., Dib1,2B., Houha12023-05-292023-05-292020-05-01M. Ouldjaoui1,*, S. Hassad1, D. Dib1,2 and B. Houha1.HYDROGEOCHEMISTRY HYDROGEOCHEMISTRY HYDROGEOCHEMISTRYHYDROGEOCHEMISTRY HYDROGEOCHEMISTRYHYDROGEOCHEMISTRY HYDROGEOCHEMISTRYHYDROGEOCHEMISTRYHYDROGEOCHEMISTRY. Journal of Fundamental and sciences. vol.12, no 2. May 2020. Faculty of exact sciences. university of el oued. [visited in 01/04/2020. available from [copy the link here]http://dspace.univ-eloued.dz/handle/123456789/24760articalEs -SbikhatSbikhat El -Mahmel Mahmel ba sin, located sin, located sin, locatedsin, located at the southeastern piedmont of Aures massif at the southeastern piedmont of Aures massif at the southeastern piedmont of Aures massif at the southeastern piedmont of Aures massif at the southeastern piedmont of Aures massif at the southeastern piedmont of Aures massif at the southeastern piedmont of Aures massif at the southeastern piedmont of Aures massif at the southeastern piedmont of Aures massif at the southeastern piedmont of Aures massif at the southeastern piedmont of Aures massif at the southeastern piedmont of Aures massif at the southeastern piedmont of Aures massif at the southeastern piedmont of Aures massif at the southeastern piedmont of Aures massif at the southeastern piedmont of Aures massif at the southeastern piedmont of Aures massif at the southeastern piedmont of Aures massif (Northeaste (Northeaste (Northeaste(Northeaste rn Algeria), n Algeria), n Algeria), n Algeria), is characterized by is characterized by is characterized by is characterized by is characterized by is characterized by is characterized by is characterized by is characterized by is characterized by is characterized by a semi semisemi-aridarid conditioncondition condition . The s The sThe sampling ampling ampling process was process wasprocess was process was process was reali realireali zed within 39 boreholesed within 39 boreholesed within 39 boreholes ed within 39 boreholes ed within 39 boreholesed within 39 boreholesed within 39 boreholes and wellsand wells and wellsand wells and wells during May 2015. during May 2015. Results of analysis data Results of analysis data Results of analysis data Results of analysis data Results of analysis data Results of analysis data Results of analysis data Results of analysis data Results of analysis data projected rojected rojected on on the PCA (PriPCA (PriPCA (PriPCA (PriPCA (Pri ncipal ncipal CompoCompo net Analysis) net Analysis) net Analysis) net Analysis) net Analysis) plan , which express ich express ich express ich express 52.70% of variance of variance of variance of variance of variance of variance of variance has shown a has shown a has shown a has shown a has shown a has shown a chemical facies evolution from chemical facies evolution from chemical facies evolution from chemical facies evolution from chemical facies evolution from chemical facies evolution from chemical facies evolution from chemical facies evolution from chemical facies evolution from chemical facies evolution from chemical facies evolution from chemical facies evolution from chemical facies evolution from chemical facies evolution from chemical facies evolution from calciumcalciumcalciumcalciumcalcium -bicarbonate water bicarbonate water bicarbonate waterbicarbonate water bicarbonate water bicarbonate water bicarbonate water into into calciumcalciumcalcium -chloride water, going chloride water, going chloride water, going chloride water, going chloride water, going chloride water, going chloride water, going chloride water, going through a transition facies marked by through a transition facies marked by through a transition facies marked by through a transition facies marked by through a transition facies marked by through a transition facies marked by through a transition facies marked by through a transition facies marked by through a transition facies marked by through a transition facies marked by calciumcalciumcalcium -sulfate to sulfate to sulfate to magnesium magnesium -sulfate water. sulfate water. sulfate water. sulfate water. sulfate water. sulfate water. Ther hermodynamic an modynamic anmodynamic analysis alysis alysis corroborated that watercorroborated that water corroborated that water corroborated that watercorroborated that watercorroborated that water corroborated that water corroborated that water corroborated that water corroborated that water-rock rock interaction interaction interaction interaction interaction interaction interaction is the main process that the main process that the main process that the main process that the main process that the main process that control control mineralization mineralization mineralization mineralization mineralization mineralization mineralization mineralization (dissolution dissolution dissolution -precipitation, cationic exchange and anthropogenic precipitation, cationic exchange and anthropogenic precipitation, cationic exchange and anthropogenic precipitation, cationic exchange and anthropogenic precipitation, cationic exchange and anthropogenic precipitation, cationic exchange and anthropogenic precipitation, cationic exchange and anthropogenic precipitation, cationic exchange and anthropogenic precipitation, cationic exchange and anthropogenic precipitation, cationic exchange and anthropogenic precipitation, cationic exchange and anthropogenic precipitation, cationic exchange and anthropogenic precipitation, cationic exchange and anthropogenic precipitation, cationic exchange and anthropogenic precipitation, cationic exchange and anthropogenic precipitation, cationic exchange and anthropogenic precipitation, cationic exchange and anthropogenic precipitation, cationic exchange and anthropogenic precipitation, cationic exchange and anthropogenic pollution pollution pollution ).enMineralization, Pollution, Thermodynami Mineralization, Pollution, ThermodynamiMineralization, Pollution, Thermodynami Mineralization, Pollution, ThermodynamiMineralization, Pollution, ThermodynamiMineralization, Pollution, Thermodynami Mineralization, Pollution, Thermodynami Mineralization, Pollution, Thermodynami Mineralization, Pollution, Thermodynami Mineralization, Pollution, Thermodynami Mineralization, Pollution, Thermodynami Mineralization, Pollution, Thermodynami Mineralization, Pollution, Thermodynami c, Es -SbikhatSbikhat El -Mahmel Mahmel basin, basin, PCA.PCA.HYDROGEOCHEMISTRY HYDROGEOCHEMISTRY HYDROGEOCHEMISTRYHYDROGEOCHEMISTRY HYDROGEOCHEMISTRYHYDROGEOCHEMISTRY HYDROGEOCHEMISTRYHYDROGEOCHEMISTRYHYDROGEOCHEMISTRYArticle