BALOULI, Houssame EddineCHINE, Lazhar2020-03-302020-03-302019-07-31مقال بمجلة رؤى اقتصادية0789-2437مجلة رؤى المجلد التاسع العدد الأولThis paper aims to explore the different scenarios of the agricultural entrepreneurship in Algeria using Morphol method. The results of structural analysis, using MICMAC method, and actors’ strategy analysis, using MACTOR method, represent the base of the morphological analysis. After the decomposition of the system into sub-systems, in order to simplify the analysis, we associate each component to a set of configurations. The different combinations allow us to identify specific scenarios after the application of preference and exclusion criteria. Four scenarios are identifying for the future of the agricultural entrepreneurship in Algeria by 2031.enAgricultural entrepreneurship; Algeria; Foresight; Morphol. Jel Classification Codes: O13;O38Morphological Analysis Of Agricultural Entrepreneurship In Algeria Using Morphol MethodArticle