TOUALBIA, SARRA2022-04-272022-04-272019-04-23TOUALBIA, SARRA. ASYMPTOTIC STABILITY OF A PROBLEM WITH KELVIN-VOIGT TERM AND BALAKRISHNAN-TAYLOR DAMPING. 3rd International Conference in Operator Theory, PDE and Applications. April 23-24- 2019. Faculty of Exact Science. Mathematics Department. University of ElOued. [visited in ../../….]. available from [copy the link here] paper.3rd International Conference in Operator Theory, PDE and Applications. April 23-24- 2019. Faculty of Exact Science. Mathematics Department. University of ElOuedThe purpose of this work is to study the energy Decay of solutions for a nonlinear equation of the kelving voigt type with balakrishnan taylor damping and acoustic boundary in a bounded domain in Rn.enASYMPTOTIC STABILITY OF A PROBLEM WITH KELVIN-VOIGT TERM AND BALAKRISHNAN-TAYLOR DAMPING.Working Paper