Boumaza, Hadjer2019-06-172019-06-172016-03-07 SECOND NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE, MIND AND LEARNER'S COGNITIVE CAPACITIES March, 7th/8th 2016 University of ElouedThe present study aims at investigating the impact of EFL Working Memory Capacity on Listening Comprehension. Since listening comprehension is considered as a necessary skill for the overall mastery of English, students should have efficient working memory capacity in listening comprehension in order to master the foreign language the way natives do. Therefore, we hypothesize that raising second year students‘ as well as teachers‘ awareness of the impact of working memory capacity in listening comprehension enhances their performance in listening comprehension of the English language.enThe Impact , Working Memory , Capacity on Listening, Comprehension, Case Study: Second Year LMD Students, Department of English, Guelma UniversityThe Impact of Working Memory Capacity on Listening Comprehension (Case Study: Second Year LMD Students, Department of English, Guelma University)Other