ASKRI, S.Lemerini, M.Ferouani, A. K.2019-06-022019-06-022018-02-05éminaire National Sur Laser Solaire Et Matériaux ElOeued 5-6 Février 2018This work presents an optical diagnosis using interferometer method (Fig.1) using laser He-Ne. The density and the temperature are visualized by studying the interferograms of He (helium) gas medium subjected to a stationary DC (Corona Discharge) at atmospheric pressure [1-2]. The density is extracted from the phase shifting introduced by the studied medium, and the temperature is deduced from the ideal gas law. The refractive index is related to the density through the Gladstone–Dale equation [3]. The experimental set up that we have applied here is assumed to be cylindrically symmetric and the distance between electrodes, equals 10 mm. The obtained results show that the rate variation of the density increase from 10 to 45% and the temperature is varying between 300 to 500 K in all the space.enEFFECT OF DENSITY, TEMPERATURE , GAS, INTERFEROMETER METHOD , USING LASER He-NeEFFECT OF DENSITY AND TEMPERATURE PROFILE OF He GAS IN INTERFEROMETER METHOD USING LASER He-NeOther