KADDOURI HEDDIBELOUL SAID2024-05-302024-05-302020-02-23HEDDI KADDOURI. SAID BELOUL. ON NEW EXTENSIONS OF F-CONTRACTION WITH AN APPLICATION TO INTEGRAL INCLUSIONS. International PluridisciplinaryPhD Meeting (IPPM’20). 1st Edition, February23-26, 2020. University Of Eloued. [Visited in ../../….]. Available from [copy the link here].https://dspace.univ-eloued.dz/handle/123456789/32821InterventionThe purpose of this study is to present some fixed point theorems by combining the contractions of Geraghty and Hardy-Rogers with F-contraction and -admissible concepts in the setting of set-valued mappings under weaker conditions. We give also an example and an application to support new theories.enF-contractionGeraghty contractionHardy-Rogers contraction-admissiblesemi lower continuousintegral inclusionON NEW EXTENSIONS OF F-CONTRACTION WITH AN APPLICATION TO INTEGRAL INCLUSIONSIntervention