طويل, الطاهر2023-03-222023-03-222018-03طويل,الطاهر. التل ببلاد المغرب الاوسط. قراءة في جغرافية المجال. من القرن 2ه/ 8م إلى القرن 6ه/ 12 م. مجلة المعارف للبحوث والدراسات التاريخية. مج 04. ع01. 25/03/2018 . جامعة الوادي [أكتب تاريخ الاطلاع] متاح على الرابط[أنسخ رابط التحميل]2473-0584https://dspace.univ-eloued.dz/handle/123456789/18030مقالthe relation between man and his space forms a start for the geographic studies concerned firstly with the area where he lives in and with, and time becomes a measure to check the level of changes happening in . this changes become a sours for the historical geography of the space. This later has the ability to slow the speed that characterises time, and all that throught avoiding following the chronological events without paying attention to their different sides and characteristics. This rule seprenebts the starting poit of the idea of “the long time” of Fernand braudel who is not for the momentary explanations because they can’t be complete or crucial. So we find that the land of central Maghreb needs space studies for its different areas, and the “el-ttel region” is one of the most important of these areas which is known for its specific aspect throught the middle age compared with the other surrounding regions. Either north where there is the sea space, or south where we find the space of oases and sahara. El-ttel regions has more effect than the other regions in politics, an obligatory access for the ports merchandise in the land of central Maghreb. And an important route for the commercial convoys.Arالمجال. المغرب الأوسط. الإقليم. التل. ابغدودspace. central Maghreb. El-ttel region. the borderالتل ببلاد المغرب الاوسط. قراءة في جغرافية المجال. من القرن 2ه/ 8م إلى القرن 6ه/ 12 مArticle