خريف, رشيدة2022-06-222022-06-222014http://dspace.univ-eloued.dz/handle/123456789/11640مذكرة ماسترAnd the summary of our research is that the rule of "no harm Do No Harm" is a rule of great benefit and importance, it means the obligation of avoiding damage before and after that it occurs, It is extracted from a tradition of our prophet peace be upon him which is considered as a proof of it’s legitimacy. This rule is absolute in its form, but it is limited in fact, where excluded three types of damage: the damage that touches a big part of society, and the damage permitted to a muslim and that has a relation with his right and not the right of Allah. This rule has wide applications in Islamic jurisprudence, also have applications on the latest developments of medicine, Cesarean birth, and contraception, and cosmetic surgery, it may be made of cesarean birth in the event of difficulty of natural birth, and it’s allowed in islam to take pills in order to birth control, for example, and doing cosmetic surjery to remove congenital or obtained defects, and any damage may be avoided by applicating this rule," but with legal proofs. - and God knows best.Arتطبيق القاعدة /قاعدة لاضررولا ضرار/مستجدات لطبيةApplication of the rule / the rule of no harm / medical developmentsقاعدة لاضرر ولاضرار وتطبيقاتهاالمستجدات الطبيةMaster