BAAISSA, AhlamKHELEF, Lobna2019-11-182019-11-182017 et environnéméntThe purpose of this work is to study the composition and structure of rodent populations and to establish a qualitative and quantitative inventory of rodent species in the Souf and Rihg region and the spatial-temporal distributions as a function of Study stations. For this purpose, a trapping of 90 trap nights (traps, sticky traps and trapped traps) in traps (guémar, ourmess, djamaa and chatt) allowed to have 82 individuals of rodents represented By 6 species belonging to two sub-families (Murinae and Gerbillinae). The most trapped species were Musmusculus (FC = 63.87%), M. spretus (FC = 12.45%), and Gerbillus gerbillus (FC = 9.43% G. nanus (HR = 1.19%). The diversity of Shannon-Weaver is equal to 1.24 bits, regarding the equitabilite is varied between 0.43 and 0.87.frRodentiaالقوارضInventaire des Rongeurs de la Région du Souf et Oued RihgMaster