W., Lakhdari1,2W., Benlamoudi1,N.H., Mekhadmi3,H., Hammi1,2023-05-302023-05-302020-09-01W. Lakhdari1,2*, A. Dehliz1, W. Benlamoudi1, R. Mlik1, N.H. Mekhadmi3, H. Hammi1, D. Ouargli4. BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF TRICHOTHECIUM ROSEUM TRICHOTHECIUM ROSEUM TRICHOTHECIUM ROSEUMTRICHOTHECIUM. Journal of Fundamental and sciences. vol.12, no 3.sep 2020. Faculty of exact sciences. university of el oued. [visited in 28/08/2020. available from [copy the link here]https://dspace.univ-eloued.dz/handle/123456789/25038articale present study focuses on the The present study focuses on the The present study focuses on the The present study focuses on the The present study focuses on the The present study focuses on the The present study focuses on the The present study focuses on the The present study focuses on the The present study focuses on the The present study focuses on the The present study focuses on the The present study focuses on the in vitro in vitroin vitro in vitroin vitro antagonistic effect of antagonistic effect of antagonistic effect of antagonistic effect of antagonistic effect of antagonistic effect of antagonistic effect of antagonistic effect of antagonistic effect of Trichoderma harzianumTrichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum agaaga inst tomato cryptogrammic dis inst tomato cryptogrammic disinst tomato cryptogrammic dis inst tomato cryptogrammic disinst tomato cryptogrammic dis inst tomato cryptogrammic disinst tomato cryptogrammic dis inst tomato cryptogrammic disinst tomato cryptogrammic dis inst tomato cryptogrammic dis inst tomato cryptogrammic dis ease in the region of Wadi Righ; order to introduce them ease in the region of Wadi Righ; order to introduce them ease in the region of Wadi Righ; order to introduce them ease in the region of Wadi Righ; order to introduce them ease in the region of Wadi Righ; order to introduce them ease in the region of Wadi Righ; order to introduce them ease in the region of Wadi Righ; order to introduce them ease in the region of Wadi Righ; order to introduce them ease in the region of Wadi Righ; order to introduce them ease in the region of Wadi Righ; order to introduce them ease in the region of Wadi Righ; order to introduce them ease in the region of Wadi Righ; order to introduce them ease in the region of Wadi Righ; order to introduce them ease in the region of Wadi Righ; order to introduce them ease in the region of Wadi Righ; order to introduce them ease in the region of Wadi Righ; order to introduce them ease in the region of Wadi Righ; order to introduce them ease in the region of Wadi Righ; order to introduce them ease in the region of Wadi Righ; order to introduce them ease in the region of Wadi Righ; order to introduce them ease in the region of Wadi Righ; order to introduce them ease in the region of Wadi Righ; order to introduce them ease in the region of Wadi Righ; order to introduce them ease in the region of Wadi Righ; order to introduce them ease in the region of Wadi Righ; order to introduce them ease in the region of Wadi Righ; order to introduce them into a biological control program. into a biological control program. into a biological control program.into a biological control program.into a biological control program. into a biological control program. into a biological control program. into a biological control program.into a biological control program. into a biological control program. into a biological control program.into a biological control program. The fungus The fungus The fungus The fungus Trichotecium roseum Trichotecium roseum Trichotecium roseum Trichotecium roseum Trichotecium roseum Trichotecium roseum Trichotecium roseum Trichotecium roseum was isolated from tomato was isolated from tomato was isolated from tomato was isolated from tomato was isolated from tomato was isolated from tomato was isolated from tomato was isolated from tomato was isolated from tomato was isolated from tomato was isolated from tomato plants that have fungal diseases symptoms; plants that have fungal diseases symptoms; plants that have fungal diseases symptoms; plants that have fungal diseases symptoms; plants that have fungal diseases symptoms; plants that have fungal diseases symptoms; plants that have fungal diseases symptoms; plants that have fungal diseases symptoms; plants that have fungal diseases symptoms; plants that have fungal diseases symptoms; plants that have fungal diseases symptoms; plants that have fungal diseases symptoms; plants that have fungal diseases symptoms; they were they werethey were they were confronted directly witconfronted directly wit confronted directly wit confronted directly wit confronted directly wit confronted directly witconfronted directly wit confronted directly wit confronted directly wit h antagonistic h antagonistic h antagonistic h antagonistic h antagonistic strains of strains of strains of T. T. harzianum harzianum at a temperature of 26° C. The confrontation revealed that the end at a temperature of 26° C. The confrontation revealed that the end at a temperature of 26° C. The confrontation revealed that the end at a temperature of 26° C. The confrontation revealed that the end at a temperature of 26° C. The confrontation revealed that the end at a temperature of 26° C. The confrontation revealed that the end at a temperature of 26° C. The confrontation revealed that the end at a temperature of 26° C. The confrontation revealed that the end at a temperature of 26° C. The confrontation revealed that the end at a temperature of 26° C. The confrontation revealed that the end at a temperature of 26° C. The confrontation revealed that the end at a temperature of 26° C. The confrontation revealed that the end at a temperature of 26° C. The confrontation revealed that the end at a temperature of 26° C. The confrontation revealed that the end at a temperature of 26° C. 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The confrontation revealed that the end of six days maximum, strains inhibited the mycelia of six days maximum, strains inhibited the mycelia of six days maximum, strains inhibited the mycelia of six days maximum, strains inhibited the mycelia of six days maximum, strains inhibited the mycelia of six days maximum, strains inhibited the mycelia of six days maximum, strains inhibited the mycelia of six days maximum, strains inhibited the mycelia of six days maximum, strains inhibited the mycelia of six days maximum, strains inhibited the mycelia of six days maximum, strains inhibited the mycelia of six days maximum, strains inhibited the mycelia of six days maximum, strains inhibited the mycelia growth of phytopathogenic species. growth of phytopathogenic species. growth of phytopathogenic species.growth of phytopathogenic species. growth of phytopathogenic species.growth of phytopathogenic species. Beyond the Beyond the Beyond the Beyond the 6th day, day, day, T. harzianumT. harzianum T. harzianum T. harzianum invades the colonies of invades the colonies of invades the colonies of invades the colonies of invades the colonies of invades the colonies of invades the colonies of invades the colonies of T. roseum T. roseum T. roseum T. roseum T. roseum with 57.9, 48.29 and 57.9, 48.29 and 57.9, 48.29 and 57.9, 48.29 and 57.9, 48.29 and 57.9, 48.29 and 32 .8% .8% obtained with the strains (ST1, ST obtained with the strains (ST1, ST obtained with the strains (ST1, ST obtained with the strains (ST1, ST obtained with the strains (ST1, STobtained with the strains (ST1, ST obtained with the strains (ST1, ST obtained with the strains (ST1, ST obtained with the strains (ST1, STobtained with the strains (ST1, ST2, ST3) 2, ST3) 2, ST3) 2, ST3) respectively respectively respectivelyrespectively respectively respectively , revealing its highly inhibitory , revealing its highly inhibitory , revealing its highly inhibitory , revealing its highly inhibitory , revealing its highly inhibitory , revealing its highly inhibitory , revealing its highly inhibitory , revealing its highly inhibitory , revealing its highly inhibitory , revealing its highly inhibitory , revealing its highly inhibitory , revealing its highly inhibitory , revealing its highly inhibitory , revealing its highly inhibitory , revealing its highly inhibitory activityactivityactivity activity activity. T. harzianum T. harzianum T. harzianum T. harzianum strains have a real antifungal potential against strains have a real antifungal potential against strains have a real antifungal potential against strains have a real antifungal potential against strains have a real antifungal potential against strains have a real antifungal potential against strains have a real antifungal potential against strains have a real antifungal potential against strains have a real antifungal potential against strains have a real antifungal potential against strains have a real antifungal potential against strains have a real antifungal potential against strains have a real antifungal potential against strains have a real antifungal potential against strains have a real antifungal potential against strains have a real antifungal potential against strains have a real antifungal potential against strains have a real antifungal potential against strains have a real antifungal potential against strains have a real antifungal potential against T. roseum T. roseum T. roseum T. roseum T. roseum and can and can and can and can and can and can constitute an alternative to chemicalconstitute an alternative to chemical constitute an alternative to chemical constitute an alternative to chemical constitute an alternative to chemicalconstitute an alternative to chemical constitute an alternative to chemicalconstitute an alternative to chemical constitute an alternative to chemicalconstitute an alternative to chemical constitute an alternative to chemical constitute an alternative to chemical constitute an alternative to chemicalconstitute an alternative to chemical constitute an alternative to chemicalconstitute an alternative to chemical constitute an alternative to chemical constitute an alternative to chemicalconstitute an alternative to chemicalconstitute an alternative to chemicals and used as a biological control beand used as a biological control be and used as a biological control be and used as a biological control be and used as a biological control beand used as a biological control be and used as a biological control beand used as a biological control beand used as a biological control beenIn vitro In vitro In vitroIn vitro, antagonist, indigenousantagonist, indigenous antagonist, indigenous antagonist, indigenous antagonist, indigenous strains strains , T. harzianumT. harzianum T. harzianum , T. roseumroseum roseumBIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF TRICHOTHECIUM ROSEUM TRICHOTHECIUM ROSEUM TRICHOTHECIUM ROSEUMTRICHOTHECIUMArticle