MAOUCHE, Salima2019-06-172019-06-172016-03-07 SECOND NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE, MIND AND LEARNER'S COGNITIVE CAPACITIES March, 7th/8th 2016 University of ElouedThe cognitive competencies that compose the education domains have evolved to allow learners to function in and adapt to the social conditions and the many diversified techniques and strategies meant to adjust and evolve the teaching and learning process. A more central concern in modern society is the EFL students‘ learning of evolutionarily basic competencies, such as reading, writing, and speaking. Evolutionary educational psychology is the study of the relation between cognitive knowledge as these influence academic learning in evolutionarily educational contexts. One core goal of schools and schooling is to organize the activities of the EFL Learners so that they acquire competencies, such as the ability to practice the target language skills which are important in the wider fields. The paper at hand is a trial experiment conducted with first year EFL learners at the department of English, University of Bejaia. Therefore, the research methodology has been designed according to this situation as most of the first year EFL learners present some kind of shyness, apprehension and frustration in front of the new environment where only English is used mostly in the speaking skill. Based on observation and experimentation techniques and cemented by questionnaires as tools to gather reliable data, we hypothesized that ideas designed by brain experts, who conducted complicated experiments consisting of implementing and involving ―Brain Gym‖ before the lecture is delivered might be a future theory that will promote in class collaborative movement as a learning aid and provide the EFL learners with creativity and self expression. Therefore, in order to conduct this investigation on solid bases, there is a sub- research question which will provide more insight and importance to the main key research question: sub-question: How will selected teaching techniques (safe place, kindness, comprehension, teacher language talk and modeling voice, and instant reactions) impact the students‘ mood, behavior and overall conflicts and difficulties? Key research question: what effects will well -structured and designed language disciplines and brain gym strategies have on EFL students‘ behavior and learning achievements? The experiment looked promising as most of the population under study felt dynamic, collaborative, self confident and productive.enTHREE LEARNERS IN THE SAME BOATOther