Raza, S. S.2020-11-022020-11-022017-01-01Article in Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences Vol 09, N 011112-9867https://dspace.univ-eloued.dz/handle/123456789/7360Article in Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences Vol 09, N 01This is a short analysis of flowing water in an infinite channel separated by a distance by using a Simulation Software Comsol Multiphysics. The flow behavior and the interaction with the boundary has been analysed. Wall no slip conditions were set for evaluation purpose. The analysis is a steady state analysis by using Incompressible Navier Stokes Model.enSteady state analysis, Velocity profile, Fluid flow.Analysis Of A Fully Developed Laminar Flow B/w Two Parallel Plates Separated By A Distance By Using Comsol MultiphysicsArticle