مبرك, عادلبقاص, خالد2024-02-012024-02-012024-01-25مبرك، عادل. بقاص ، خالد . التسويق الإقليمي في خدمة الحِكامة الإقليمية: إسقاط على الحالة المغربية . مجلة المنهل الإقتصادي. مج 06. العدد02. 2024/01/25 . جامعة الوادي [اكتب تاريخ الاطلاع] متاح على الرابط [انسخ رابط التحميل]2602-7968https://dspace.univ-eloued.dz/handle/123456789/32299مقالThe Japanese-American economist Kenichi Ohmae asserts that regions are the engines of global prosperity in today's world. According to him, with globalization in harmony with differentiation and specialization, only the most dynamic territories survive and become a source of comparative advantages. In light of these new challenges, the increasing economic openness of the territories leads to increased reliance on external uncertainties, threats, and opportunities, as an increasing portion of foreign investment in the territory is linked to decision-making processes that involve competition between territories. Within this framework, this study, which attempts to understand the nature of the relationship between the variables of territorial marketing and territorial governance, is located on a first level, and then stands on a second level on the Moroccan experience in projecting the concept and objectives of the brand on the territoty as a bearer of the aspiration of local actors and various advantages, and the role of investment promotion agencies, as the mediator. Between two strategic links, the territory and the company.Arالتسويق الإقليمي ; الجاذبية الإقليمية ; العلامة الإقليمية ; الذكاء الإقليمي ; الحِكامة الإقليميةterritoriel marketing; territorial brand; , territorial attractiveness; territorial intelligence; territorial governance.التسويق الإقليمي في خدمة الحِكامة الإقليمية: إسقاط على الحالة المغربيةTerritorial Marketing at the Service of Territorial Governance: Projection on the Moroccan CaseArticle