M. S., . Nili*,A., BoutalbiM., . Miloudi2023-05-292023-05-292020-05-01M. S. Nili*, A. Boutalbi ,Y.Attalah, M. Miloudi. FECT OF SOME CHEMICAL ADDITIVES ON REDUCING THE PERMEABILTY EFFECT OF SOME CHEMICAL ADDITIVES ON REDUCING THE PERMEABILTY EFFECT OF SOME CHEMICAL ADDITIVES ON REDUCING THE PERMEABILTY EFFECT OF SOME CHEMICAL ADDITIVES ON REDUCING THE PERMEABILTY EFFECT OF SOME CHEMICAL ADDITIVES ON REDUCING THE PERMEABILTY EFFECT OF SOME CHEMICAL ADDITIVES ON REDUCING THE PERMEABILTY EFFECT OF SOME CHEMICAL ADDITIVES ON REDUCING THE PERMEABILTY EFFECT OF SOME CHEMICAL ADDITIVES ON REDUCING THE PERMEABILTY EFFECT OF SOME CHEMICAL ADDITIVES ON REDUCING THE PERMEABILTY EFFECT OF SOME CHEMICAL ADDITIVES ON REDUCING THE PERMEABILTY EFFECT OF SOME CHEMICAL ADDITIVES ON REDUCING THE PERMEABILTY EFFECT OF SOME CHEMICAL ADDITIVES ON REDUCING THE PERMEABILTY EFFECT OF SOME CHEMICAL ADDITIVES ON REDUCING THE PERMEABILTY EFFECT OF SOME CHEMICAL ADDITIVES ON REDUCING THE PERMEABILTY EFFECT OF SOME CHEMICAL ADDITIVES ON REDUCING THE PERMEABILTY. Journal of Fundamental and sciences. vol.12, no 2. May 2020. Faculty of exact sciences. university of el oued. [visited in 22/04/2020. available from [copy the link here]https://dspace.univ-eloued.dz/handle/123456789/24662articalAgriculture is a Agriculture is a Agriculture is aAgriculture is a Agriculture is aAgriculture is an important sector in Algeria, it is the second economic component of important sector in Algeria, it is the second economic component of important sector in Algeria, it is the second economic component of important sector in Algeria, it is the second economic component of important sector in Algeria, it is the second economic component of important sector in Algeria, it is the second economic component of important sector in Algeria, it is the second economic component of important sector in Algeria, it is the second economic component of important sector in Algeria, it is the second economic component of important sector in Algeria, it is the second economic component of important sector in Algeria, it is the second economic component of important sector in Algeria, it 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the most arid region in worlthe Algeria's Sahara considered as the most arid region in worl the Algeria's Sahara considered as most arid region in worl the Algeria's Sahara considered as most arid region in worl the Algeria's Sahara considered as most arid region in worl the Algeria's Sahara considered as most arid region in worlthe Algeria's Sahara considered as the most arid region in worl the Algeria's Sahara considered as most arid region in worl the Algeria's Sahara considered as most arid region in worl the Algeria's Sahara considered as most arid region in worlthe Algeria's Sahara considered as the most arid region in worlthe Algeria's Sahara considered as the most arid region in worl the Algeria's Sahara considered as most arid region in worlthe Algeria's Sahara considered as the most arid region in worlthe Algeria's Sahara considered as the most arid region in worl the Algeria's Sahara considered as most arid region in worl the Algeria's Sahara considered as most arid region 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In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve permeability, Leading to consume a large quantities of water for irrigation. In order solve these problems, hydrogels ar these problems, hydrogels arthese problems, hydrogels ar these problems, hydrogels ar these problems, hydrogels ar these problems, hydrogels ar these problems, hydrogels arthese problems, hydrogels ar these problems, hydrogels arthese problems, hydrogels are the effective solution proposed. Hydrogele the effective solution proposed. Hydrogele the effective solution proposed. Hydrogel e the effective solution proposed. Hydrogele the effective solution proposed. Hydrogele the effective solution proposed. Hydrogel e the effective solution proposed. Hydrogele the effective solution proposed. Hydrogel e the effective solution proposed. Hydrogel e the effective solution proposed. Hydrogele the effective solution proposed. Hydrogel e the effective solution proposed. Hydrogel e the effective solution proposed. Hydrogel e the effective solution proposed. Hydrogel e the effective solution proposed. Hydrogel e the effective solution proposed. Hydrogel e the effective solution proposed. Hydrogel e the effective solution proposed. Hydrogels have the capacity of have the capacity of have the capacity of have the capacity of have the capacity of have the capacity of have the capacity of have the capacity of have the capacity of have the capacity of have the capacity of have the capacity of have the capacity of holding a large amount of water and keep it c holding a large amount of water and keep it c holding a large amount of water and keep it cholding a large amount of water and keep it cholding a large amount of water and keep it c holding a large amount of water and keep it cholding a large amount of water and keep it cholding a large amount of water and keep it cholding a large amount of water and keep it cholding a large amount of water and keep it c holding a large amount of water and keep it cholding a large amount of water and keep it c holding a large amount of water and keep it c holding a large amount of water and keep it c holding a large amount of water and keep it c holding a large amount of water and keep it cholding a large amount of water and keep it c holding a large amount of water and keep it cholding a large amount of water and keep it c holding a large amount of water and keep it cholding a large amount of water and keep it cholding a large amount of water and keep it cholding a large amount of water and keep it c holding a large amount of water and keep it cholding a large amount of water and keep it close to the lose to the lose to the lose to the lose to the plant's roots . The purpose of this . The purpose of this . The purpose of this . The purpose of this . The purpose of this . The purpose of this . The purpose of this . The purpose of this . The purpose of this . The purpose of this study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three study was to estimate the effect of hydrogel on soil permeability by application three differen differen differendifferendifferent dosage of Hydrogel in three parcels. The results proved that the addition hydrogel t dosage of Hydrogel in three parcels. The results proved that the addition hydrogel t dosage of Hydrogel in three parcels. The results proved that the addition hydrogel t dosage of Hydrogel in three parcels. The results proved that the addition hydrogel t dosage of Hydrogel in three parcels. The results proved that the addition hydrogel t dosage of Hydrogel in three parcels. The results proved that the addition hydrogel t dosage of Hydrogel in three parcels. The results proved that the addition hydrogel t dosage of Hydrogel in three parcels. The results proved that the addition hydrogel t dosage of Hydrogel in three parcels. The results proved that the addition hydrogel t dosage of Hydrogel in three parcels. The results proved that the addition hydrogel t dosage of Hydrogel in three parcels. The results proved that the addition hydrogel t dosage of Hydrogel in three parcels. The results proved that the addition hydrogel t dosage of Hydrogel in three parcels. The results proved that the addition hydrogel t dosage of Hydrogel in three parcels. The results proved that the addition hydrogel t dosage of Hydrogel in three parcels. The results proved that the addition hydrogel t dosage of Hydrogel in three parcels. The results proved that the addition hydrogel t dosage of Hydrogel in three parcels. The results proved that the addition hydrogel t dosage of Hydrogel in three parcels. The results proved that the addition hydrogel t dosage of Hydrogel in three parcels. The results proved that the addition hydrogel t dosage of Hydrogel in three parcels. The results proved that the addition hydrogel t dosage of Hydrogel in three parcels. The results proved that the addition hydrogel t dosage of Hydrogel in three parcels. The results proved that the addition hydrogel t dosage of Hydrogel in three parcels. The results proved that the addition hydrogel t dosage of Hydrogel in three parcels. The results proved that the addition hydrogel t dosage of Hydrogel in three parcels. The results proved that the addition hydrogel t dosage of Hydrogel in three parcels. The results proved that the addition hydrogel t dosage of Hydrogel in three parcels. The results proved that the addition hydrogel t dosage of Hydrogel in three parcels. The results proved that the addition hydrogel t dosage of Hydrogel in three parcels. The results proved that the addition hydrogel t dosage of Hydrogel in three parcels. The results proved that the addition hydrogel t dosage of Hydrogel in three parcels. The results proved that the addition hydrogel t dosage of Hydrogel in three parcels. The results proved that the addition hydrogel t dosage of Hydrogel in three parcels. The results proved that the addition hydrogel t dosage of Hydrogel in three parcels. The results proved that the addition hydrogel t dosage of Hydrogel in three parcels. The results proved that the addition hydrogel t dosage of Hydrogel in three parcels. The results proved that the addition hydrogel enabled to yield 50% moenabled to yield 50% mo enabled to yield 50% mo enabled to yield 50% mo re productio re productio re productio re productio re production, using almost 50% less water. n, using almost 50% less water. n, using almost 50% less water. n, using almost 50% less water. n, using almost 50% less water.n, using almost 50% less water. n, using almost 50% less water. n, using almost 50% less water.n,enAgriculturegriculture griculture griculture ; S ; Soil permeability oil permeability oil permeability oil permeabilityoil permeability oil permeability oil permeability; Hydrogel Hydrogel Hydrogel; Biodegradable iodegradableiodegradableFECT OF SOME CHEMICAL ADDITIVES ON REDUCING THE PERMEABILTY EFFECT OF SOME CHEMICAL ADDITIVES ON REDUCING THE PERMEABILTY EFFECT OF SOME CHEMICAL ADDITIVES ON REDUCING THE PERMEABILTY EFFECT OF SOME CHEMICAL ADDITIVES ON REDUCING THE PERMEABILTY EFFECT OF SOME CHEMICAL ADDITIVES ON REDUCING THE PERMEABILTY EFFECT OF SOME CHEMICAL ADDITIVES ON REDUCING THE PERMEABILTY EFFECT OF SOME CHEMICAL ADDITIVES ON REDUCING THE PERMEABILTY EFFECT OF SOME CHEMICAL ADDITIVES ON REDUCING THE PERMEABILTY EFFECT OF SOME CHEMICAL ADDITIVES ON REDUCING THE PERMEABILTY EFFECT OF SOME CHEMICAL ADDITIVES ON REDUCING THE PERMEABILTY EFFECT OF SOME CHEMICAL ADDITIVES ON REDUCING THE PERMEABILTY EFFECT OF SOME CHEMICAL ADDITIVES ON REDUCING THE PERMEABILTY EFFECT OF SOME CHEMICAL ADDITIVES ON REDUCING THE PERMEABILTY EFFECT OF SOME CHEMICAL ADDITIVES ON REDUCING THE PERMEABILTY EFFECT OF SOME CHEMICAL ADDITIVES ON REDUCING THE PERMEABILTYArticle