Shoro, SRajper, SShaikh, N. AJalbani and J, SRajper, ul-F.2023-05-162023-05-162018-09-01S. Shoro, S. Rajper, N. A. Shaikh, S. Jalbani and J.-ul-F. Rajper,AGENT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES: A REVIEW .Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences.VOL10 N03.01/09/ of el oued [visited in ../../….]. available from [copy the link here]1112-9867 oriented Programming Languages are a set of instructions used to design an Agent Oriented Systems. In Agent Oriented systems, objects known as agents is an interface to accomplish particular objectives. Agents are referred as an encapsulated systems in computer which have an autonomous actions to accomplish the design goals. Agents can be self-sufficient elements, choosing their subsequent stage without the involvement of a user. The agents are particular in the capturing of structure in the natural way and the behavior of a complex system. Now a days Agents based systems are an interesting research area in computer science fields. The undertaken study aims to present the Concept, features and model of Agent Oriented Programing Languages but the main focuses of this study is on review of different programming languages used to design Agent Oriented Systems. This study will be helpful for the scholars, researchers and academiciansenAgent systems, Agent Oriented Programming Languages, Multi Agent Systems, AgentsAGENT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES: A REVIEWArticle