زهرة, بن عمارةعائشة, ضيف اللهمسعودة, سعداني2023-12-192023-12-192014https://dspace.univ-eloued.dz/handle/123456789/31473Thank Allah god the all peace and blessingsbeuponhis prophets and messengers and his family and companions This researeh titled « door stopping and starting through the book of proficiency in the science of the Quran's for palladium Jalal alddin Sayoti – Etude and amalyze - » The message contains an introduction, three sections , three appendices , a conclusion , a set of indexes public , list of sources and references . In the introduction we talked about the importance of the topic the reasons for the selection the goals the most important scientific problems that we faced and the most important sources The first topic was the imtnodctiom to define the writer and his work about where to introduce the author and the author, while the second section was a link to the third topic we are talked about the theoricals meamimg of wapef and starting and its importance and its the symbols The third section comsist of the sciemtists saying around the types of wakfand . the supplements were as follows: the first for alerts and the second to the controls and the third to the late talk At the and of this research : you willfind the main results list of the magor sources whih we have used .Arباب الوقف والابتلداء من خلال كتاب الاتقانفي علوم القرآنThesis