Dakhia, AZemmouri, N2023-05-292023-05-292021-05-01A. Dakhia, N. Zemmouri,ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AND THERMO ENERGY PERFORMANCE OF RECYCLED MATERIALS : LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT APPLIED TO OFFICE BUILDING IN BISKRA CITY , ALGERIA .Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences.VOL13 N02.01/05/2021.university of el oued [visited in ../../….]. available from [copy the link here]1112-9867https://dspace.univ-eloued.dz/handle/123456789/24873ArticleIn order to reduce energy consumption of building s and their environmental impacts, it’s important to improve thei r e nerg y performance, and to have and evaluate sufficiently reliable multi criteria tools, to highlight the ir origins , throughout the building life cycle . Such impacts may be resulting from their construction, during exploit , renovation and at the end of l ife Th is work relates to a part of this action and seek s to derive results from a life cycle analysis comparing an office building envelope configuration , located in Biskra , a city south East Algeria characterized by hot and dry climate. Life Cycle A sses ment met hod was applied according to a standardized protocol ( ISO14000 14040)14040), promoting a better understanding of a building environmental impact throughout its life cycle . More , such method, allow s designers to make the most appropriate choice ( recycled mat eria ls, energy systems HVAC ) in relation to their objectives.enSustainable building life cycle assessment energy optimization environmental impact thermal insulation system recycled materialsENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AND THERMO ENERGY PERFORMANCE OF RECYCLED MATERIALS : LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT APPLIED TO OFFICE BUILDING IN BISKRA CITY , ALGERIAArticle