Meziani, AssiaMeguellati, Soumia2019-07-032019-07-032014-05-14 international Conférence on environnemental Science And Technology 14-17 May 2014 Antakya TurquieIn Souf, the bad management of waters provoked two important problems:the ascent and the pollution of water. These two problems caused an ecological unblance and the negative environùental impacts. In order to solve these environment problems, some best technical solutions have been adopted: purfication of waters by a aired lagoon for one time in 5 days to 10 days in order to preserve the public health and the integrity of the receiving environment, deletion of the nuisances and the present risks of contamination to level of the urbanized zones, drainage and evacuation of treated waters without negative impact on the environment, preservation of water resources while reusing and valorizing the treated waters.enEnvironment, Pollution, Groundwaterrise, Souf, Sahara,AlgeriaWater pollution in Souf- Algerian SaharaOther