بعلوج, سليم2023-03-222023-03-222018-03بعلوج,سليم. تجربة النوادي لدى الحركة الاصلاحية نادي الشبان المسلمين الجزائريين بمنطقة تبسة . مجلة المعارف للبحوث والدراسات التاريخية. مج 04. ع01. 25/03/2018 . جامعة الوادي [أكتب تاريخ الاطلاع] متاح على الرابط[أنسخ رابط التحميل]2473-0584https://dspace.univ-eloued.dz/handle/123456789/18039مقالThe club is considered one of the most important means of spreading awareness and culture among young people. Since a large number of reformers from the area of Tebessa were students in E’Zaytouna, this led to the idea of establishing a club in Tebessa called “Muslim youth Club” which is given the same name as that of the cultural assembly in Tunis. The Muslim Youth Club had a great credit for activating the reform movement and revival in Tebessa, considering its prominent role in embracing mainly the youth class, spreading knowledge, leading the reform and change among them, as well as its crucial role in the emergence of a large number of preachers, writers and poets. In addition to the fact that it has become a destination place to different clubs and association founded in the region.Arالحركة الاصلاحية، تبسةتجربة النوادي لدى الحركة الاصلاحية نادي الشبان المسلمين الجزائريين بمنطقة تبسةArticle