B., . Maghni1*,., Khedim1, RM., Maatoug1,, Hellal2 B.2023-05-282023-05-282020-01-01B. Maghni1*, M. Ait Hammou1, R. Khedim1, M. Maatoug1, B. Hellal21. PALYNOLOGICAL STUDY OF ANGIOSPERMS OF ROSTOMID PARK OF TIARET IN ALGERIA. Journal of Fundamental and sciences. vol.12, no 1. janau 2020. Faculty of exact sciences. university of el oued. [visited in 01/05/2019. available from [copy the link here]https://dspace.univ-eloued.dz/handle/123456789/24408articalThe present work consists of a palynological study carried out on 67 species of Rostomid park of Tiaret in Algeria. A classification of the orders according to the number of apertures of their pollens showed that, Monocots mainly present pollen with one aperture. While most of the Eudicots express Triaperturate pollen. The classification of the studied species according to the form and the number of the apertures of their pollen revealed that the species having tricolpate pollen presented 21%, tricolporate 14%, stephanocolpate7%, Triporate 6%, monocolpate 5%, préporate5%, polyad 4%, while species with other pollen morphology (monad monoporate, dicolpate and inaperturate) represent only an insignificant number. The largest spherical pollen diameter is 122 μm and that of iso polar pollen diameters until111.8/116.6μm.enClassification, Angiospermes , Pollen, Apertures, Pollenotheque , Algeria.PALYNOLOGICAL STUDY OF ANGIOSPERMS OF ROSTOMID PARK OF TIARET IN ALGERIAArticle