قاسمي، الجيلاني2021-09-212021-09-212017جريمة إختطاف الأطفال من وجهة نظر الأولياء . مذكرة ماستر . قسم العلوم الإجتماعية . كلية العلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية . جامعة الوادي . 2017 . [ تاريخ الإطلاع] . متاح على الرابطhttp://dspace.univ-eloued.dz/handle/123456789/9623مذكرة ماستر علم الإجتماع تخصص علم اجتماع جريمة وانحرافAbstract The phenomenon of kidnapping children is a serious criminal phenomenon. It is an explicit picture of the assault on freedom and it has serious harm to the safety and security of the society because it includes several cases of violence. The use of force, threats or intimidation includes assaulting the symptoms and controlling freedoms. Which depends on a set of acts, each of which acts as a crime in itself. The contemplator of criminal incidents and judicial files finds that the phenomenon of kidnapping tops the list of criminal practices directed against children in general. The crime of kidnapping, like other crimes, is constantly fed by social conditions Economic and psychological problems that are getting worse day by day. The purpose of the crime of kidnapping is carried out by an individual or groups of organized criminal gangs. The purposes may be temporary, such as extortion, financial bargaining or violation of the offer. The purposes may be non-temporary, such as exploiting victims abducted in sexual practices or operating in prostitution and prostitution. Trafficking of abducted victims either by selling or selling their organs. There is no doubt that the criminalization of these acts and the provision of punishment for them leads to the achievement of general deterrence, because the punishment has a detrimental effect on some of those who have committed themselves to commit such crimes, and who are easily tempted to fall in order to satisfy their whims. The officials, especially the security and the judiciary, must fight and confront them, and strike hard on anyone who aims to intimidate individuals. This is an affirmation of the pillars of security in society. It remains to say that when we want to solve a problem, we have to start solving it from the ground until it is completely eliminatedArإختطاف الأطفالEnlèvement d'enfantschildren kidnappingجريمة إختطاف الأطفال من وجهة نظر الأولياءدراسة إستكشافية على عينة من الأولياء ببلدية الدبيلةMaster