Salami, H. ALawal, S. OBademosi, TOlowosokedile, OOlalekan, H. I2023-05-302023-05-302021-09-01H. A. Salami , S. O. Lawal , T. Bademosi , O. Olowosokedil , H. I. Olalekan,A MULTICRITERIA DECISION BASED ASSESSMENT OF AGRICULTURAL SOLID WASTES AS POTENTIAL FEEDSTOCK FOR ELECTRICITY GENERATION IN NIGERIA .Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences.VOL13 N03.01/09/ of el oued [visited in ../../….]. available from [copy the link here]1112-9867 effective method of managin g so lid wastes from agricultural processing is through thermochemical conversion to energy dense and carbon neutral energy products ; which relieves the issue of depleting global resource s , solves the problem of over r eliance on fossil fuel, reduces the impact on the environme nt and brings economic benefits. In this study, the suitability of agricultural solid wastes as potential feedstock for electricity generation in Ni geria via a combined pyrolysis steam power plant tec hnology was assessed. Technique for ord er of preference by simil arity to ideal solution was used to identify the most appropriate raw material for electricity gene ration among the considered alternatives rice husk , corncob, and palm kernel shell. These wastes showed high electricity generatio n potential (232 2 077 GWh per annum )), high profitability index, and high carbon reduction benefit about 1428 kg CO 2 eq. m 3 of bio oil)enWaste to energy; Agricultural solid waste; Multi criteria decision analysis; Environmental impact assessm ent; Cost benefit ass essment; PyrolysisA MULTICRITERIA DECISION BASED ASSESSMENT OF AGRICULTURAL SOLID WASTES AS POTENTIAL FEEDSTOCK FOR ELECTRICITY GENERATION IN NIGERIAArticle