Ghomri, A.Riguet, F.Debabeche, M.2020-10-202020-10-202013-01-01Articale in Journal of fundamental and Applied Sciences Vol. 05 N. 011112-9867 in Journal of fundamental and Applied Sciences Vol. 05 N. 01This study aims to study the hydraulic jump controlled by threshold, moving in a channel profile 'U' bottomed rough for a single roughness E=5,63mm. Functional relations in dimensionless terms, linking the different characteristics of the projection, showing the effect of roughness of the bottom of the channel are obtained. The hydraulic jump is the primary means used by hydraulic structures to dissipate energy. This hydraulic jump is formed at the sharp transition from a supercritical flow a stream flow.frHydraulic jump, channal-shaped in U, stilling basin, channel bottom rough.Effect For A Single Roughness E=5,63mm Of Experimental To Study Hydraulic Jump Profile In A Channel In U A Rough BottomArticle