عبد الحميد حسين, حسين2021-04-182021-04-182020-12مقال في مجلة الشهاب بجامعة الوادي2602-5485https://dspace.univ-eloued.dz/handle/123456789/8320معاملة تارك الصلاة في الدولة الإسلامية في ضوء القرآن والسنةالملخص اختلف العلماء في معاملة تارك الصلاة في الدولة الإسلامية على أقوال، فمنهم من قال: إن تارك الصلاة كافر يستتاب، فإن لم يصلّ قتل لكفره كالمرتد. ومنهم قال: إنه لا يكفر بل يفسق فيستتاب، فإذا لم يتب قتل حدًّا. ومنهم من قال: يفسق فيستتاب، فإذا لم يتب يعزّر بالضرب حتى يسيل منه الدم، ثم إن لم يصلّ حبس حتى يموت أو يصلي، وقال آخرون: يضرب عشراً، فإن صلى وإلاّ ضرب عشراً أخرى، وهكذا حتى يصلي أو يموت، غير مقصود إلى قتله، وقال آخرون: يحبس ولا يضرب. ومنهم من قال: إنه لا يكفر ولا يعاقب، وأمره إلى الله، شأنه شأن مرتكب المعاصي الأخرى من المسلمين. والذي تبين للباحث بعد دراسة المذاهب في المسألة وأدلتها؛ أن القول الراجح هو القول الأخير لعدم ثبوت شيء في تكفيره أو عقابه. Abstract The scholars have not come to a consensus regarding judging the one who does not pray under the rule of the Islamic State. Some stated that he/ she is a disbeliever, but he/she can be asked to repent, and if they do not pray after that, they will be executed as apostates. Others said that he/she is not a disbeliever; they are disobedient, but he/she can be asked to repent, and if they do not pray after that, they will be executed as though they transgressed the bounds (Huddud) of Allah. Other opinions stated that those who do not pray are regarded as disobedient , and can be asked to repent, and if they do not pray after that, the Muslim ruler can judge beating them until they bleed, and if they still refuse to pray, they should be imprisoned until they die or pray; some other scholars supported beating them 10 times, and if they do not pray, they should be beaten other 10 times until they pray or die ( death, here, is not the judgment). In the same context, other scholars reiterated their support for imprisonment, but not beating. However, some scholars stated that those who do not pray are not disbelievers and must not be punished, and their affair should be left to the Almighty Allah, who is the best judge, similar to the other sins committed by the Muslims. The researcher and after studying the four schools of Islam and its evidence about this issue concluded that the most prevalent and authentic decision is not judging the one who does not pray as a disbeliever and even not punishing them for the lack of evidence in his respect.Arتارك الصلاة، كافر، يستتاب، يضرب، يحبسOne who does not pray, disbeliever, asked to repent, beat, be imprisonedمعاملة تارك الصلاة في الدولة الإسلامية في ضوء القرآن والسنةArticle