Ferouani, A. KLemerini, MSahlaoui, MKhaldi, M.F.ZBoumellah, YAskri, S2023-05-312023-05-312021-05-01A. K. Ferouan, M. Lemerini, M. Sahlaoui , M.F.Z. Khaldi, Y. Boumellah, S. Askri,THE INFLUENCE OF RADICAL N, O AND O3 IN THE REDUCTION OF NITROGEN OXIDES IN A CORONA DISCHARGE .Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences.VOL13 N02.01/05/2021.university of el oued [visited in ../../….]. available from [copy the link here]1112-9867https://dspace.univ-eloued.dz/handle/123456789/25294ARTICLET his work presents a chemical kinetic analysis of different species involved in nitrogen oxygen mixed gas by a Corona Discharge ( at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. This study takes into account 20 di fferent chemical species reacting following 1 5 0 selected chemicals reactions. The reaction rate coefficients are taken from the literature and the density is analyzed by the continuity equation without the diffusion term. Many work s have study removal NO x and they have showing the role of N, O and O 3 radicals. So the aim of this simulation is to complete these studies by analyse of various plasma species under different reduced electric field: 100 200 Td. We analyse especially, the tempor al depopulation rate evolution (10 9 10 3 s) of NO x . We have found that the rate depopulation of NO and NO 2 is substantially affected by the reduced electric field rise from the initial value of 100 Td up to 200 Td. Thus, we have obtained in our sim ulation 2% of NO removal fo r 100 Td against 96% for 200 T d . This allows us the important role played by the reduced electric field.enChemical Kinetic , C orona discharge, N itrogen oxide, R educed electric fieldTHE INFLUENCE OF RADICAL N, O AND O3 IN THE REDUCTION OF NITROGEN OXIDES IN A CORONA DISCHARGEArticle