Saidi, YMezoua, AMiloud, YBenmahdjoub, MYahiaoui, AModeling, M2023-05-042023-05-042018-11-13Saidi, Y. Mezouar,A. Miloud, Y. Benmahdjoub, M. Yahiaoui ,A. Modeling, M. Comparative Study of Speed Sensor and Sensor-lessbased on TSR-MPPT Method for PMSG-WT Applications. International Journal of Energetica. Vo3. No 02.13/11/2018.faculty of technology. university of el oued. [visited in ../../….]. available from [copy the link here2543-3717 paper aims to present a study and comparison between two approaches for maximizing the power delivered by the WT-S (wind turbine system) which is called (MPPT-Control) based on TSR method (tip-speed ratio): first method is based on MPC (maximum power control) with wind speed measurement (TSR-MPCWSM) and the second one based on MPC with wind speed estimation (TSR-MPCWSE). These methods are analytically compared to illustrate TSRMPPT and power smoothing capability delivered by the aerodynamic turbine system. The dynamic performance, robustness and fast approximation of the optimal value are proved with the simulations (MATLAB/Simulink® software).enAerodynamic wind systems, MPCWSM, MPPT, MPCWSE, Tip-speed ratio (TSR), Proportional integral (PI), wind turbines systems (WT-S)Modeling and Comparative Study of Speed Sensor and Sensor-less based on TSR-MPPT Method for PMSG-WT ApplicationsArticle