Belaroui, K.Pons, M. N.2020-10-202020-10-202012-07-01Articale in Journal of fundamental and Applied Sciences Vol. 04 N. 021112-9867 in Journal of fundamental and Applied Sciences Vol. 04 N. 02The aim of our work is to establish a morphological characterization of particles. The particle size analysis determines the size distribution of a population of particles using a laser granulometer device. The evolution of particle size distributions is complemented by a study on the particle shape. Thus, morphological analysis consists to acquire images of the particles by using a scanning electron microscopy which will be then processed using an algorithm. The treatment is a set of operations that are thresholding, erosion, expansion and reconstruction of the image. Data processing is performed based on a set of dimensional parameters.frCharacterization; particle size; morphology; image analysis; porous media.Method Of Particle Characterisation; Morphology By Image AnalysisArticle