- أم الخير, ام الخيرمدلل, إيمانكرميش, سهام2024-01-212024-01-212017https://dspace.univ-eloued.dz/handle/123456789/32060مذكرة ليسانسموضوو لقووة اوو ا ووانوا ا قو تمو الم لوو ة و ا و وتمة ا ا وا قلو إشوةة تم الموضوو ا وة ا وةي: موة اوا ا قو ا قو تمو ا و وو و ا ووانوا ا و ة ص ف المخ ئ ا وةسا المة ؟ لم ةلجو اوه ا شوةة تم ا ووة المو تمو ا ة تمو :حتموح و وة ا وح إ و م ةحح لتموح وة ووة الم وح اا م و ا ووانوا ا قو تمو تموة تم وة ة و و ل وا ا قوتمو ا واا س المةلف وه ف تموة ا قو الجوا و تمو وة و ا ووانوا ااصوو تم تمو وة و ا وة ا قو وا. موة الم وح ا قوةه ووا وة موضوون تموة ا و ا و وتمة ا و ا ااحةوةح الم لوو ةو نوصو وضوتم و و نوصو صو ف المةلوف. وا وا موضوو الم وح ا قة وح حوو ا ووانوا ا قو تمو ا ةو الم و و احةوةح ا و ا و وتمة ا ا حتموح تمووة م و و ةنوا حةةم وة تموة وة. ووا وة ووة الم وح ا ا و ا ووانوا ا قو تمو ا ةصو ة و ا و وتمة ا ا حتموح تمووة م و و ةنا تموة ة. وا اس خلصووة اا و إ الله نوق رو وا و نو مو ا وو وا صول الله نلتم سل إثم ا ا و تمة ا ا مة لم وا ق ص ا وصا. Research paper Summary: The subject of our rsearch is the rules of fikh that are related to :mistaking, forgetting and the ctraint .so the problematic of this subject can be resumed in the following question : What are the branches of fikh that can deal with the rules that command the doings of the person who commites mistakes, forgets or opliged to do things ? To treat this problematic , we have followed this pedagogy deviding the research into four parts.in the first port, we deal with the meaning of fikh rule and its importance according to serious ,the learner and the horged with alco, mentioning the racial differences between it and the rootan rules, and between it and catcher fikh in the second part we deal with the mistake, forgetting and the constraint and the recommadation related to each element, and mentioning to the influence of each element in the doings of chorged with .concerning the third part, it deals with the great fikhi rules that contain mistake, forgetting and the conctraint recommendation mentioning to the meaning of each rule, its commands and practices . where as the fourth .part deals with the fikhi rules related to mistake, forgetting and the constraint practices .atlast, we deduced that allah fargives the oumma when committing mistakes, forgetting and the constraint in condition these doings are not done in purpose.Arالقواعد الفقهية /الخطأ والنسيان /الاكراهRègles jurisprudentielles/erreur et oubli/coercitionالقواعد الفقهية المتعلقة بالخطأ والنسيان والإكراه د ا رسة تأصيلية تطبيقيةThesis