حمايتي, صباحبوخزنة, ماجدة2019-05-292019-05-292018-03-06http://dspace.univ-eloued.dz/handle/123456789/2035الملتقى الدولي الثامن: التوجيهات الحديثة للقضاء الإداري ودوره في إرساء دولة القانون 06-07 مارس 2018 جامعة الواديThe independence of the judiciary system is a fundamental, important element on which the state is founded since it strengthens the citizens trust in the state institutions. Most of the international and the regional conventions call for this independence, and it was explicitly adopted by the Algerian Constitution founder. Because the administrative judge is in direct confrontation with the aministration, that is considered as an integral part of the excutive authority, he is given a basic important role. The administrative judge enjoys a legal system that guarantees his independence from other authorities. He also has a number of exclusive competences that enable him to impartially and objectively exercise his power.Arالقضاء الإداري، الإستقلالية العضوية، الإستقلالية الوظيفية، الإختصاص الحصريadministrative justice, independence of membership, functional independence, exclusive competence.استقلالية القضاء الإداري الجزائري ضمانة لتكريس دولة القانونOther