Attia Mohammed El HadiBellila AbdelkaderBenoudina Belkheir2024-06-022024-06-022020-02-23Attia Mohammed El Hadi. Bellila Abdelkader. Benoudina Belkheir. Adding Energy Storage Materials to Improve the Productivity of Solar Distillation. International PluridisciplinaryPhD Meeting (IPPM’20). 1st Edition, February23-26, 2020. University Of Eloued. [Visited in ../../….]. Available from [copy the link here]. southeast region of Algeria suffers from a great socio-economic problem that affects a large population. Faced with the unavailability of drinking water, solar distillation; which appears to be a suitable and inexpensive solution; was adopted by local researchers. Improving the productivity of a solar greenhouse distiller is the subject of several researches in the world. The idea is to add energy storage materials to a single-slope solar distillation. The search for materials is more effective. This technique has a major impact on the productivity of solar distillation.enSolar distillationEnergySolar StillFreshwaterEnergy Storage MaterialsAdding Energy Storage Materials to Improve the Productivity of Solar DistillationIntervention