Ben Seghir, , BachirHemmami, HadiaZeghoud, SoumeiaLaouini, Salah EddineRebiai, AbdelkrimBen Amor, IlhamSouici, ImaneBeki, Ahlam2023-03-292023-03-292020-07-05Ben Seghir, Bachir. Hemmami, Hadia. Zeghoud ,Soumeia. Laouini, Salah Eddine. Rebiai, Abdelkrim. Ben Amor, Ilham. Souici, Imane. Beki, Ahlam.Corrosion inhibition of aluminium in phosphoric acid solution using glutaraldehyde as inhibitor. Algerian Journal of Chemical Engineering Vo1. No 01.05/07/2020.faculty of technology. university of el oued. [visited in ../../….]. available from [copy the link here]2773-3068 are a group of fibrous proteins, These proteins are abundantly present in nature and constitute the major part of the hair, wool, horns, nails, feathers, and the stratum corneum of the skin. Among others, an ecological and economic point of view, recovery of many organic substances discharged into the effluent of textile mills is of prime importance. This thesis review certain physical and chemical characteristics of the keratin derived utilizing five processes of chemical extraction: reduction, hydrolysis, sulfitolysis, oxidation, and production. Since the keratin is a group of fibrous protein and has many useful applications. For example: In pharmaceutical industries, plastic production, biosorption, and tissue engineering. Considering this advantage, this work mainly concentrates on the nanoparticle keratin synthesis through different methodsenKeratin; Protein; Nanoparticle; Synthesis; ApplicationsPreparation methods keratin and nanoparticles keratin from wool: a reviewArticle