Ahmed Salah, Oudini, Afaf Ilham2022-01-102022-01-102021-09http://dspace.univ-eloued.dz/handle/123456789/10532Since the emergence of the United States of America as a superpower, the American generals have become ecstatic about the victory and prestige of their country. Thus, they began to wage several wars hoping for easy victories in them, but the final results of most of these wars disappointed the hopes of these soldiers (and those who expected victory for them) despite having the best and most powerful army in the world. The interventions of the United States in Vietnam and Afghanistan are considered the famous ones which caused heavy results for the US. The study under investigation examines the strategic failure of America in both countries as a global power. The dissertation aims to explain the policies implemented by it in these two wars, as well as the differences between them.It also attempts to analyze the causes of the American failure and evaluate the consequences that ruined them. The study conducted the descriptive and historical methods regarding to the historical events in both wars and the analytical method depending on having two different polices that needed to be analyzed, and determining the war failure results.The study reveals that the American wars in both countries could not achieve the needed results; moreover it gained the worse.United States, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Containment.US Strategic Failure in Vietnam and Afghanistan : Causes and Consequences.