S., Boukeria1,2*,K., Kadi4,H, Benbott1,5 A.K., . Biri2,W., Lazbbache22023-05-292023-05-292020-05-01S. Boukeria1,2*, S. R. Mnasri3, K.Kadi4, A. Benbott1,5, H. Bougueria2.6, K. Biri2, W. Lazbbache2. RISK ANAEVALUATION OF THE ANTIBACTERIAL AND ANTICOGULANT ACTIVITIES OF Linum usitatissimum L.EXTRACTS. Journal of Fundamental and sciences. vol.12, no 2. May 2020. Faculty of exact sciences. university of el oued. [visited in 01/05/2020. available from [copy the link here]https://dspace.univ-eloued.dz/handle/123456789/24755articalThe objective of this study is to evaluate the phytochemical constituents and anticoagulant, and antibacterial activities of phenolic extracts obtained from flaxseed. The quantitative estimation of total phenols by the colorimetric method showed that both aqueous and methanolic extracts are low in these compounds. The evaluation of the antibacterial activity of polyphenols was carried out by the disc method by determining the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). The results showed that no antibacterial activity with polyphenols was observed; against the five bacteria tested.The anticoagulant activity of polyphenols was also evaluated in vitro using the cephaline-kaolin (TCK) and Quick time (TQ) tests. The coagulation times obtained on normal plasma indicate that they have moderate activity on both coagulation pathways.enLinum usitatissimum L., anticoagulant activity, polyphenol, TCK, TQ.EVALUATION OF THE ANTIBACTERIAL AND ANTICOGULANT ACTIVITIES OF Linum usitatissimum L.EXTRACTSArticle