Ghodbane, MokhtarBoumeddane, BoussadKhechekhouche, Abderrahmane2019-05-232019-05-232018-12-10 Symposium on Mechatronics and Renewable Energies El-Oued 10- 11 December 2018For proper comprehend the comportment and to define the parameters of a solar-driven ejector air conditioning system at low or medium temperature; a dynamic model depends on the principles of conservation, the momentum mass and energy is developed. For this purpose, the thermodynamic characteristics of the liquid and vapor refrigerant were identified using the Engineering Equation Solver EES software. Linear Fresnel Reflector (LFR) has been used as a tool to convert solar energy into thermal energy. The water (R718) was used as a refrigerant. The performance of the ejector air conditioning system was compared as a function of the operating parameters of the subsystem. The thermal efficiency of the Fresnel linear concentrator was as high as 31.514 %, and the overall thermal performance of the machine (STR) was as high as 20.764 %. The results obtained during this study are very encouraging. This technique can be used for air conditioning in desert areas in southern Algeria, where fossil energy (petroleum, gas, etc.) is extracted and produced in various types.enThermal energy; Air conditioning system; Linear Fresnel solar Reflector, Ejector, Numerical simulation; Performance.Performance Simulation of a Solar-Driven Ejector Air Conditioning SystemOther